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my native Manju / Manchu hertaige
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The British writer Peter Fleming visited Manchukuo in 1935, and while riding a train through the countryside of Manchukuo, a group of Japanese colonists mistook his Swiss traveling companion Kini for a Russian refugee, and began to beat her up.[81] It was only after Fleming was able to prove to the Japanese that she was Swiss, not Russian, that the Japanese stopped and apologized, saying that they would never had beaten her up if they had known she was Swiss, saying that they sincerely believed she was a Russian when they assaulted her.[81] Fleming observed that in Manchukuo: "you can beat White Russians up till you are blue in the face, because they are people without status in the world, citizens of nowhere".[82] Fleming further noted that the Japanese in Manchukuo had a strong dislike of all white people, and because the Russians in Manchukuo were stateless without an embassy to issue protests if they were victimized, the Japanese liked to victimize them.[83] Until World War II, the Japanese tended to leave alone those travelling to Manchukuo with a passport as they did not like to deal with protests from embassies in Tokyo about the mistreatment ...

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Mini Cursion 嘉納 治五郎(かのう じごろう、旧字体:嘉納󠄁 治五郞、万延元年10月28日〈1860年12月10日〉-)は、日本の柔道家・教育者・貴族院議員。兵庫県出身。別表記:加納治五郎[1]。 講道館柔道の創始者であり[2]、柔道・スポーツ・教育分野の発展や日本のオリンピック初参加に尽力するなど、明治から昭和にかけて日本におけるスポーツの道を開いた。「柔道の父」と呼ばれ、また、「日本の体育の父」とも称される。

Mini Cursion 嘉納 治五郎(かのう じごろう、旧字体:嘉納󠄁 治五郞、万延元年10月28日〈1860年12月10日〉-)は、日本の柔道家・教育者・貴族院議員。兵庫県出身。別表記:加納治五郎[1]。








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