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Mini Cursion Korean-American senior man from Fullerton, Orange County, was attacked with pepper spray in follow-home robbery attempt in broad daylight, but guess what, that senior man, 75, was Republic of Korea marine veteran

Mini Cursion Korean-American senior man from Fullerton, Orange County, was attacked with pepper spray in follow-home robbery attempt in broad daylight, but guess what, that senior man, 75, was Republic of Korea marine veteran, and immediately fought back against 3 robbers.
According to multiple reports, the incident happened around 12:30 p.m. on Sunday at victim’s house after the Korean-American senior couple came home from church and Home Depot. The couple was being followed by three men in another car, and as you may see from the surveillance footage, when the couple arrived at home, two of robbers approached, and asking and pointing things about the old man’s Tesla bumper as a ruse, and suddenly pepper-sprayed him all over.
According to his son, fortunately, the old man was wearing glasses that his eyes were protected enough to fight them back. Two robbers seem to be caught off guard as old man would fight them back, and eventually ran away. Landscaping crews were also heroes at the scene. As the male senior fought and screamed against robbers, landscapers who heard the screaming rushed to help, and this made robbers to bone out completely.
According to officials, there were similar incident reported in Rowland Heights, another Asian-concentered city in so-Cal, and LA County Sheriff’s Department Walnut Station is investigating the incident and looking into the connection to the previous report.
#fyp #news #localnews #koreanamerican #marine #followhomerobbery #crimenews #crimeawareness #pepperspray #fight #fullerton #california #footage #katchupnews
■ News News-Drone-IT-AI(963995) - ImoKenpi-Dou





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Mini Cursion 嘉納 治五郎(かのう じごろう、旧字体:嘉納󠄁 治五郞、万延元年10月28日〈1860年12月10日〉-)は、日本の柔道家・教育者・貴族院議員。兵庫県出身。別表記:加納治五郎[1]。 講道館柔道の創始者であり[2]、柔道・スポーツ・教育分野の発展や日本のオリンピック初参加に尽力するなど、明治から昭和にかけて日本におけるスポーツの道を開いた。「柔道の父」と呼ばれ、また、「日本の体育の父」とも称される。

Mini Cursion 嘉納 治五郎(かのう じごろう、旧字体:嘉納󠄁 治五郞、万延元年10月28日〈1860年12月10日〉-)は、日本の柔道家・教育者・貴族院議員。兵庫県出身。別表記:加納治五郎[1]。








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